Album Review: Ripper – “Experiment of Existence”

This band is awesome.

Nine Circles

Ripper - Experiment of Existence

Becoming the undisputed leader of the death/thrash resurgence of the last few years is not an easy task nor is it something that Chile’s Ripper probably even thought about or aspired to do. But on their second full length Experiment of Existence the crown belongs to them alone and rightfully so. Even though the album is a speeding locomotive of letter precise 80’s to 90’s thrash on the surface its heart bleeds death metal in the vein of Possessed and early Death, just to name a couple that fit the bill.

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Full disclosure, I met these dudes when my other band (DeathCrawl) played with them in their hometown of Pittsburgh. I thought they had a real good sound that night, and I’ve been following them on Facebook since that night in 2013. I’ve even tried to get them to Northeast Ohio for a show or two, but that never worked out thanks to schedules. This is their debut LP, and it’s a bleak, suffocating blast of sludgey-hardcore with elements of grindcore and black metal tossed in to boot.

I’m not the metalhead I once was. Truth be told, most new metal albums I listen to tend to bore me with non-descript same-sameness, but a band that does it right can still grab my attention. Slaves BC is doing it right. They really remind me of Converge running headlong into Indian, with maybe a little bit of “Liberate Te Ex Infiris”-era Zao…

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Slaves BC – All is Dust and I am Nothing (2016)

Valley of Steel


Slaves BCAll is Dust and I am Nothing (Veritas Vinyl, 16 February 2016)

Whoops, I guess I forgot to say “Spoiler Alert”…

Seriously, though, that was my initial reaction on hearing this full album for the first time. I know it’s still very early in the year, and there will be plenty of high-quality releases yet to come (and I’ve even heard a few good ones already), so it’s ridiculous to make such a proclamation at this point. But I can assure you this record will definitely end up in my Top 16 list, probably very close to the top of that list. Because it’s that good.

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